Interruption to Water Supply, Thornhill, Dumfries & Galloway

Scottish Water Customers in Thornhill and the surrounding area with postcodes DG2 0T and DG3 are being advised of a temporary disruption to their water supply on 27 March from 10.30pm until 04.30am on 28 March 2018.

The essential work is to disconnect water mains which are no longer in use from the network to ensure continued security of supply.

Scott Fraser, Scottish Water’s corporate affairs regional manager, said: “The overnight shut off has been timed to keep disruption to a minimum. All customers impacted have been sent a postcard notifying them and we ask them not to use water during this time. This includes hot and cold taps, toilet flushing and appliances such as washing machines. 
“Please prepare for this in advance by storing enough water in containers for drinking, washing and flushing the toilet. When your supply comes back on it may be cloudy, discoloured or contain sediment. If this happens please let the cold tap in the kitchen run slowly until the water runs clear.
“We would like to apologise for any inconvenience and thank customers in advance for their patience and understanding.”

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