ITV Border takes Referendum debate to Stranraer

ITV Border chose Stranraer as the venue for the first in a series of three Referendum debates. A fully crewed outside broadcast unit transformed part of the North West Castle Hotel into a studio for the event. The audience had been hand-picked from the local area to give a good cross-section of people and to represent a balance of Yes, No and Undecided voters.

They were invited to put their questions to four panellists – Richard Arkless from the Business For Scotland group; Russell Brown, Labour MP for Dumfries and Galloway; Alex Fergusson, Conservative MP for Galloway and west Dumfries and Christine Grahame, SNP MP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale.

The debate proved lively and at times heated, with a number of concerns raised about the future of Stranraer following the closure of the ferry terminal. Immigration and border control, currency and the economy were also high on the agenda. Retired policeman Trevor Harrison asked the panel if they could name one economic benefit to an independent Scotland. Full-time carer Jennifer Caldwell wanted to know if the No side could guarantee the UK would remain in the European Union.

However the warmest applause of the night went to 18 year old Caitlin McDowell, who’s a former member of the Scottish youth parliament. She cut right to the heart of the matter with her question ‘As someone who is trying to advise young people to vote in the referendum, where would the panel suggest they go for accurate information and not just hot air!’

Michaela Byrne who is Head of News and Programmes for ITV Border and Tyne Tees said ‘We felt it was very important to take one of our referendum debates to Stranraer as the town is the second biggest population centre in Dumfries and Galloway.’

Political Editor Peter McMahon who chaired the debate, said the discussion had been of a very high calibre with a broad range of questions and opinions.

The two remaining referendum debates are to be recorded in Dumfries on August 25 and Hawick on September 8.

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