Local constituency MSP Finlay Carson has launched a blistering attack on the Scottish Government over its decision to approve controversial plans to construct miles of new power pylons across the Galloway countryside.
He described the move as a “blatant disregard” for local opinion and vowed to raise the issue at the Scottish Parliament at the earliest opportunity.
The Galloway and West Dumfries MSP said: “This decision is both shocking and unwanted given the strong public opinion and opposition to this proposal.
“It demonstrates complete disrespect to the views of the people in Galloway who have been clear from the outset that they were seeking alternative options to pylons spoiling their beautiful countryside.
“Why did the Scottish Government ignore this as well as the decision by the public inquiry Reporter to refuse the application?
“For Scottish Ministers to simply over-rule that decision makes a complete mockery of holding a public inquiry in the first place. Was it simply a charade?”
The MSP believes the decision sends a strong message to Rural Scotland – your views don’t actually matter!
He said: “It is quite clear that local opinion doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter what an independent public inquiry Reporter thinks, the Scottish Government is going to push on regardless.
“This isn’t democracy at work, it is just a box ticking exercise with Scottish Ministers not interested in what the local community thinks, pushing on whatever.
“I intend to raise this matter at Holyrood.
“Campaigners were right in demanding that certain sections of the power lines should be buried underground between Kendoon and Tongland
“Even the findings of the public inquiry recommended that the plan by SP Energy be refused on environmental grounds. But the Scottish Government is now simply riding rough-shot over this.”
A spokesperson for the group ‘Galloway Without Pylons stated ” The decision on the KTR project has just arrived and the good news is that the Reporters recommendation was to refuse consent but unfortunately the Scottish Government have granted consent.
A lot to read and digest but needless to say that I am devastated with the decision especially after we “won” the Public Inquiry. The only avenue left now is a Judicial Review (JR) which would have to be instigated very quickly. If we went ahead with a J.R. we would have to find a very strong reason to do so which would involve either illegality, irrationality or procedural unfairness.I think the decision is patently irrational and unfair but it looks like the UK governments are set to overturn the recommendations of reporters in pursuit of net zero.
So sorry that the decision has gone against us but al least we can say that the reporters listened to and agreed with the community.”
Councillor Pauline Drysdale replied “You fought so incredibly hard Paul and the GWP team. The reporters were correct in their recommendation to refuse consent and yet again we see the Scottish Government overruling this report and the wishes of the good people who live and work here. I am disappointed and disgusted, especially as I/we had the support of every single councillor on the planning committee as well. We can look forward to a ‘playground of pylons,’ the destruction of the Laurieston Forest, its biodiversity and nature & a token gesture of a few quid towards a local kitchen hall refurbishment or similar. It’s just all so wrong”