2017 Kirkcudbright Princess and Attendants Named

The 2017 Kirkcudbright Summer Festivities Princess And Attendants have been announced this week.

This years Princess Ellie Murphy ( Centre of Photo) and her two attendants are Lucy Duffy & Gemma Storey.

All of the girls are eleven years old and pupils in final year at Kirkcudbright Primary School.

The selection process takes place in School. The girls of Primary 7 prepare a “speech” and present it to the whole school and staff, who then vote for the girls who they feel should represent the town.

The Princess will be crowned during the towns Summer festivities.


1.Back in the day [50 + years of Kirkcudbright Princesses] the princess and attendants were chosen at a dance held in Town Hall, and the girls were usually teenagers.

2. Ruth Gordon, the girls teacher told us that Ashley Storey [ Gemmas mum] was herself an Attendant when she was the same age !


Image Copyright – Sam Kelly

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