Kirkpatrick Fleming Carer Kerry Battles Through Snow on Quad to Work

Kerry Wilkinson, 36, is a carer at Notwen House, which is a 24-bed care home situated in Kirkpatrick Fleming between Lockerbie and Gretna, where some of the worst effects of the snow were seen.

Recalling the challenge she faced last week, Kerry said: “I live at Chapelnowe, down a very long track off the main road, and because of the heavy snow and the drifts ‑ the drifts were above the height of the car – I couldn’t get out.
“I phoned work and explained the situation because I was due on shift on the Saturday night.
“I phoned them on Thursday and said, ‘I really can’t think of a way out, but then I remembered the quad bike. I could take the quad bike over the fields and to the main road, and if someone could get me there I’d be fine.
“But I actually slept at Notwen House on Saturday night because I was due in for a shift again on the Sunday morning.
“I said, rather than repeat the whole process again, I’ll just stay there.”

Kerry’s husband Mark helped her make the journey via quad bike from her cut-off home to the main road.

Explaining what prompted her to take such action, Kerry said: “I know those little old people up there need 24-hour care, so it’s my duty to be one of the people who provide that to them.

“I wasn’t going to let them down.
“I’ve got a young family, but they were warm, they were fed, they were with my husband, and they were safe, but those little people there – if staff can’t get in they’re the ones that suffer and I didn’t want to add to that.
“So I found a way to get to them.”

Kerry was just one of many members of staff across Health and Social Care who went to lengths to ensure services continued relatively unaffected.

Recalling what her managers said to her, Kerry said: “They were over the moon. They said, ‘I can’t thank you enough’.
“I said, ‘There’s no need – I’m just doing my job; I’m doing my duty. I see it as part of my job’.
“I don’t see that I’ve done anything special. It’s just part of my job, but using a different vehicle.
“If I was working in a clothes shop I would have said people don’t need a new dress that day, but these older people were depending on me and others.
“And it has to be said, I don’t deserve any special attention for this, as many others did great things to get into work’