Promotion of the East Pier Stranraer

Dumfries and Galloway Council and Stena Line have revealed that there have been over 20 enquiries to date from interested parties to develop the East Pier in Stranraer. The Council has met with a number of interested parties to assist them with their enquiries and developers have until the end of October to submit their ideas.

1 a 1 a Stranraer_Waterfront_and_East_Pier_Design_and_Development_Brief__Part_1a-5The Council and Stena Line have a memorandum of understanding which set out the intentions of both parties to work together to develop a regeneration strategy for the pier.

The site comprises of around 17 acres and could be developed to include mixed use commercial, retail and / or residential use. There is also the potential of a casino licence in the area and the development of the wider waterfront including expansion of the current marina.

New uses of the East pier are likely to include a new supermarket and other types of retail opportunities.

Cllr Colin Smyth, Chairman of the Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said
“The Council is keen to work in partnership with the right developer, one who sees this unique opportunity as more than bricks and mortar but as a vision for the future of Stranraer and a benchmark that others will measure against”.

Speaking on behalf of Stena Line, Mr Les Stracey said;
“Stena Line has invested heavily in the development of the new state-of-the-art port and terminal facility at Loch Ryan and continues to work in partnership with Dumfries and Galloway Council on this unique project. We hope that the significant interest in this prime development site will grow and look forward to a very positive outcome for the town and the region.”

Progress on this project and other regeneration schemes can be found at

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