Learning For Life Brochure Launched By Council’s CLD Service

Learning for Life brochure launched by Council’s CLD Service Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Community Learning and Development (CLD) Service and partner agencies in Annandale and Eskdale are delighted to announce the launch of our “Learning For Life “ brochure, which outlines a range of free community based learning opportunities for adults and young people.

Adult Learning programmes are aimed at supporting individuals as they make the first steps back into learning, gain skills, to improve their employability or achieve knowledge that will improve their day- to- day lives. Among the learning programmes on offer, are help with reading, writing numbers, and introduction to computers. Youth Work programmes are available to young people aged 12-25 years and aim to support young people to develop their resilience and the social and emotional skills they need for life. They learn about themselves, others and society, through informal educational activities which combine enjoyment, challenge and learning.

Chairman of Community and Customer Service Committee, Councillor Tom McAughtrie said;

“This brochure offers a wide range of informal educational opportunities for adults and young people to build on their skills and knowledge and explore the progression routes on offer. Our Council is committed to being an inclusive Council, and initiatives such as the Learning for Life brochure help us achieve these commitments.” Service user Carol Ann commented; “ CLD has given me so much confidence. They work with you to help you achieve your goals and you can work at your own pace. I’m really looking forward to more learning opportunities this year. Thanks to the help and support from CLD I have been given the confidence to volunteer with Food Train Befrienders and join the Annan Time Bank.”

For further information please contact CLD Annandale and Eskdale on 01461 207044 or learningA&[email protected] Copy of Brochure attached

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