Live DGRI TV broadcast helps focus attention on the menopause

Live hospital TV broadcast helps focus attention on the menopause

A SERIES of live TV broadcasts came from Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary on Tuesday morning, as staff took part in an edition of BBC Breakfast focused on the Menopause.

As part of its ‘Wake up to the Menopause’ week, the BBC One TV show’s Jayne McCubbin interviewed clinicians specialising in this area, as well as members of NHS staff who have attended information sessions.

Topics covered on Tuesday’s programme included hormone replacement therapy (HRT), how best to obtain the information and support that’s needed, and how attitudes to the menopause have changed over the years.

NHS Dumfries and Galloway has provided specialist menopause clinics and a helpline for over 20 years, and regularly provides information sessions on the menopause to the public and staff. Sessions take place within organisations across Dumfries and Health and Social Care Partnership.

Among those featured on the programme were associate specialist gynaecologist Dr Heather Currie and menopause/osteoporosis specialist nurse Katrina Martin who spoke to the BBC about the services provided within Dumfries and Galloway, while Dr Sara Proudfoot shared her perspective as a GP with a focus on the menopause.

Dr Currie said: “I’m really pleased that BBC Breakfast have devoted a week of their content to this important subject.

“And it was fantastic to have the opportunity to speak on a range of issues, and highlight the support and information which is available within Dumfries and Galloway.

“It was also great that members of staff who have benefited from this support and information were able to share their experiences, and to have all of this come live from our fantastic new district general hospital.”

NHS Dumfries and Galloway’s menopause helpline runs from 9 am and 12 pm on a Thursday morning and can be reached by phoning 01387 241121.


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