Wigtownshire Woman Goes From Liver Failure To London Marathon

HEATHER Bestel is a well known face in her home town of Wigtown, Dumfries and Galloway where she is a therapist who works with young people. Three years ago Heather underwent 2 operations to save her life from liver failure. She then embarked on a journey to get herself back to full health. This journey led her to discover and fall in love with running. So much so that she has decided to run the London Marathon in April to raise money for a children’s cancer charity.

[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R80OZ_5eHIo”]

The charity Heather is  supporting is ‘It’s Good 2 Give’ which offers support to young cancer patients and their families. They try to make life a little bit easier on a day-to-day basis.

And in May, they are delighted to be opening the Ripple Retreat, a purpose-built, restful, safe place for young people affected by cancer and their families to use for short break together.

The retreat has taken years in the making and thousands of people have donated money, time, services and even land to make it possible. The challenge now is to make sure this magical place keeps going in the long term.

Heather told DGWGO “I’m doing the London Marathon on 23rd April and have been making a weekly video to chart my progress. The charity I’m supporting helps children suffering from cancer and their families. 

It’s a tiny Scottish charity that has very little awareness down here. They are building a respite retreat that opens in May and any family in D&G who are going through this horrendous experience can go and stay there. ”

She Added ” As a therapist who works with young people and have supported many through illness and recovery and I’m constantly inspired by their courage and strength. My work led me to meet Lynne McNicoll OBE, the award winning volunteer fundraiser behind my chosen charity. I was bowled over by her passion and enthusiasm and wanted to help in any way I could.

Heather went on to say “I’d like to say thank you to the wonderful people of Dumfries & Galloway for their overwhelming kindness and generosity. Not only have they donated to my chosen charity, but people have stopped me in the street to tell me how well I’m doing.

I’m also in the process of contacting local businesses to ask them if they would like to sponsor me in order to help cover my travel and accommodation costs for the marathon itself and I would particularly like to thank The People’s Project, who were the first to step forward with an offer of support.”


If you would like to sponsor Heather and help her reach her £2000 target you can find her Just giving page at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/HeatherBestel




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