Local Partnership Working Makes a Difference to Anti-Social Behaviour

A partnership between Dumfries and Galloway Council and Police Scotland, V Division, will lead to a developed understanding of the issues caused by anti-social behaviour (ASB), and the significant and adverse impact it has on our communities in Dumfries and Galloway.

Information raised by members of the public, and shared through their local councillors was shared with council officers and used to review the current structure around the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy that is overseen by the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategic Group. This review resulted in proposals to revise the structure and renew membership of the strategic group. The proposals were in December 2023, and will ensure a more responsive and flexible partnership approach to the work through the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategic Group.

Achievements so far include:
• The method of addressing concerns relating to individuals has changed, moving away from monthly meetings involving a set group of professionals to a small group of people working directly with the individual, meeting as and when required.
• A group being formed to gather and scrutinise data and intelligence around anti-social behaviour in our region to ensure there is an accurate understanding of what the issues are, their extent and where they are happening.
• The information scrutinised and analysed will be reported back to the ASB Strategic Group to ensure robust consideration and mobilisation of resources to where the need is greatest. This group will now also include appropriate social work and education representation.

In addition to changes to the ASB Strategic Group, the GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) Leadership Group is considering how earlier intervention, effective links and engagement with communities can be included in the new GIRFEC Plan.

Youth Engagement (Police) Officers continue to work in our secondary schools with their focus on young people within school and their communities.

Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Social Work Committee said: “Anti-social behaviours within schools and communities have been rising significantly in recent years due to a several factors. This proactive and newly developed approach by all involved will ensure that these issues are now more effectively addressed and resolved. I’d like to thank all agencies and officers involved.”
Vice chair of Social Work Committee added: “This new revised way of working collaboratively is fantastic to see, following concerns raised from constituents across our region. In working closely with officers to highlight these concerns, we are now moving forward proactively. A tremendous amount of work has been put into this multi-agency partnership to ensure that a more responsive approach is embedded to address anti-social behaviours.”



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