Annandale East and Eskdale councillors Archie Dryburgh and Craig Peacock will spend their Easter weekend walking 116-miles.

The councillors are to walk the Southern Upland Way from Portpartick to Beattock in aid of the Gretna, Springfield and Eastriggs World War 1 Commemoration project.   They will start this Thursday from Portpatrick at 9.30am and hoping to end their first day at New Luce.  They plan to complete the walk on Easter Monday.

The two councillors have set up a facebook page so that people can keep up with walk over the Easter weekend and are asking local people to make donations to Gretna and Rigg Community Council, who are treasurers for the commemoration project

Councillor Dryburgh said:

“With the anniversary of World War One rapidly approach, we need to ensure that the Gretna, Springfield and Eastriggs World War 1 Commemoration Project is well funded.  Local people have already been very generous and I hope they will continue to be as we do our walk.  We will be posting updates and photos on our facebook page so local people know how we are getting on and I hope it will inspire them to donate.”

Councillor Peacock added:

 “Archie and I have done a number of training walks in preparation for the walk ahead and they have been difficult, extremely wet  ground conditions and fallen trees are everywhere.  However, knowing that the money we raise is going towards an excellent project makes the blisters and sore knees worth it. “

Councillors Dryburgh and Peacock will leave Portpatrick at 0930 hrs on Thursday 17th April 2014

The facebook page can be found here:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Archie-Dryburgh-and-Craig-Peacock-116-mile-sponsored-walk/1479654672249010

Donations can be made to Gretna and Rigg Community Council, 4 St Andrews Place, Gretna. who are treasurers for the commemoration project

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