On Boxing day 2013 Allan wright of Parton, Had a one of his neighbours trees Blow down and land in his daughters horse stable and destroy it, just moments after she had left it ! This then led on to court to decide who was to fit the bill!

Allen stated today to DGWGO that “My Daughter Amber’s pony stable was destroyed in the storms by a neighbour’s tree – she was in the stable with Daisy 20mins before – all a bit scary. Our neighbours refused to compensate for the damage so I had to take them to court. I had my “day in court” late July and only just recently got the verdict. “
Allans Neighbour ‘Lady Hunter Blair’ of Parton Estate has had to pay £1,500 in damages , Plus ‘interest . and to repair the damage done by the tree that came down last year ! The Court heard that Lady Hunter Blairs estate manager had been warned that the tree was ‘Highly Vunerable’ a month before it fell after the clearing of several other of the estates trees had left the poplar exposed to the elements ! The decision in Mr Wrights favour was decided recently by Sheriff Marie MacTaggart at Dumfries court!
Mr Wright represented himself in court to save costs , He stated “Not an experience I wish to repeat any time soon but actually quite and interesting one at that. I elected to represent myself (mostly for lower risk/cost reasons) but also because I felt confident enough to see it through – it can’t be that difficult surely? The process was not easy, given I am generally averse to bureaucracy. There I was playing court lawyer for the day but for real, the whole thing, cross examining witnesses and all that stuff we see on the telly. It was pretty intense it was also immensely frustrating at times , I am pleased to have won but I take no pleasure in retrospect given how much stress was experienced and how much time was in effect wasted “