Galloway and West Dumfries MSP, Finlay Carson, has blasted the verdict by the Scottish Government to overturn the decision of Dumfries and Galloway Councillors and award planning permission for the erection of eight wind turbines in his constituency.


Falck Renewables Wind Limited appealed to the Scottish Government after having their planning application refused by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Planning Applications Committee in June 2015.
At the time, 599 representations were made to the Council with only 22 writing in favour of the application.  The remaining 577 raised concerns about the negative impact of the development on the surrounding landscape, the detrimental affect it could have on the area’s tourism industry and the cumulative impact of applications waiting in the pipeline.  Councillors unanimously decided to refuse planning permission.


The appeal decision was made on 5th July, with Reporter David Liddell concluding that “the proposed development accords overall with the relevant provisions of the development plan and that there are no material considerations which justify refusing to grant planning permission”.


Mr Liddell acknowledged the strength of feeling towards the development among nearby communities but claimed that his report addresses the key points raised by objectors.


Following the Scottish Government’s decision, local MSP Finlay Carson said:


“This outcome once again demonstrates that the SNP led Scottish Government continue to think it’s okay to ride roughshod over the views of local communities.


“Time and again, the Council’s Planning Applications Committee have refused a planning application only to see their decision overturned when it goes to appeal.


“The strength of feeling towards this particular development was overwhelming with over 500 people writing to the Council setting out their objections.  In addition, all 5 of the local Community Councils raised serious concerns – all of which seem to have been ignored by this decision.


“Such decisions as this only service to undermine the role of democratically elected councillors and undermine public confidence in the planning process.


“I have written to Kevin Stewart, Minister for Local Government and Housing, to raise concern about the erosion of local decision making and to explain why the decision was overturned in the face of such strong local opposition”.


Fellow South of Scotland MSP, Rachael Hamilton added:


“‘Under this SNP Government overturning Council decisions has become common practice when the Scottish Government disagrees.


“Throughout the South of Scotland constituents have raised concerns of increasing centralisation and seen plans overturned again and again.


“Continually overturning council decisions has made the people of South of Scotland anxious over other proposed developments. Indeed, they feel their opinions are neither recognised nor respected”.

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