Loch-Ryan-oysters are Scotlands only wild native oysters Credit Kim Ayres
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The organisers of the first ever Stranraer Oyster Festival have issued a statement today August 29th 2017 after the theft of 2,000 Loch Ryan oysters:
Loch Ryan from the air
They Festival organisers said “We are shocked at the theft of a large number of Loch Ryan oysters and devastated at the callous timing, just two weeks before our first Stranraer Oyster Festival.
Loch Ryan oyster catch-Credit Colin Tennant.
“Loch Ryan oysters are unique in being Scotland’s only wild, native oysters that are commercially harvested in Scotland. Our festival is designed to celebrate and showcase these exquisite shellfish and we are deeply saddened if publicity for the festival, through drawing attention to the unique nature of these oysters, has in any way contributed to the theft.
“Loch Ryan oysters are unmistakable, and we would urge any restaurant offered native oysters without full documentation to report it to the authorities.
“Our festival team and the people of Stranraer will be giving Loch Ryan Oyster Company our full support. We are determined that the theft of these oysters will in no way diminish the festival and we look forward to welcoming people to our town and to our festival to experience Scotland’s native oysters for themselves.”
• Stranraer Oyster Festival will take place from Friday 15th September to Sunday 17th September. Special guests will include Hardeep Singh Kohli and Mr Bloom from CBeebies.
• The festival will host the Scottish Oyster Shucking Championships on Saturday 16th September, and seafood cookery demonstrations from south of Scotland’s top chefs.
• The festival will also include talks and demonstrations by Loch Ryan Oyster Company and oyster ‘pond dipping’ experiences for children.
• More than 2,000 oysters were stolen from the shoreline of Loch Ryan after being collected by the Loch Ryan Oyster Company for Stranraer Oyster Festival.
• The theft will not significantly affect the visitor experience at the festival. Visitors to the festival will be encouraged to try Loch Ryan native oysters, as well as farmed oysters.
• Wild native oysters grow more slowly than farmed oysters and the Loch Ryan oyster beds are carefully harvested to maintain and grow oyster numbers.
• Stranraer Oyster Festival celebrates Stranraer’s unique seafood heritage as being home to the only native oyster fishery in Scotland.
• The Stranraer Oyster Festival takes place during Scottish Food & Drink Fortnight.
• The oyster season runs from September till April.
• Stena Line is the Headline Sponsor of Stranraer Oyster Festival. The festival is part funded by the European Maritime Fisheries Fund and by Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Major Events Strategic Fund. The festival is also supported by the The Holywood Trust, Big Lottery Fund, is working in partnership with Seafood Scotland and is sponsored by a large number of local businesses.