‘Lonesome Larch’ Wins New Galloway Photographer Top National Award

Local multi award winning photographer Duncan McNaught from New Galloway has won another prestigious national award to add to his collection. It was announced today, March 31st, 2020 that Duncan had won the Scottish Botanical Category at the The Scottish Nature Photography Awards with his image titled ‘Lonesome Larch’.


Duncan said: “Galloway Forest Park has been particularly hit with the virus Phytophthora ramorum attacking and killing the vast areas of larch trees we have in the Park.
“I was out early one morning last year on the Raiders’ Road near Clatteringshaws hoping to get a few shots of the morning mist. On my way home I spotted this lonesome larch amongst the sitka spruce trees showing its full autumn colours. I guess it was a seedling that had taken root amongst the other trees.
“It was a fair distance away from my location and unable to get any closer due to a river, I used my 200mm lens to get the shot.
“I now wonder if it evaded the virus due to its location away from the other larch trees in the forest.”

The Scottish Nature Photography Awards Photographic Competition was launched in 2010 to provide a platform to celebrate Scotland as a key destination for nature photographers and to acknowledge the excellence of the photographic work that is undertaken here through the award of the title of “Scottish Nature Photographer of the Year”. The annual competition invites entries of images taken in Scotland by professional or amateur photographers from around the world.

See all the winners HERE