Work on Loreburn Hall fitness facility on track

The work to upgrade the Loreburn Hall into the temporary home of DG One Leisure Complex’s ‘Dry-Side’ is well underway. The Hall is due to open for business on 6 October, whilst DG One undergoes remedial works.

A huge amount of work has already taken place to bring the flooring, insulation and wiring up to standard. Construction of the changing rooms, showers, toilets and gym area where equipment will be placed is now taking place. The gym space will hold almost all of the equipment stations the current gym in DG One holds.

Area for court based sports likes badminton and netball as well as an area for fitness classes will be partitioned off from the main gym areas, as will changing facilities. Our pictures from inside the hall give an indication of how the hall will be set up.

Chairman of Community and Customer Services, Cllr Tom McAughtrie was shown around the Hall earlier this week and commented:
“Our Council said we would provide alternative facilities during the DG One remedial works and the Loreburn Hall is shaping up well to providing such facilities to a high standard. It is important to remember this is a temporary facility but judging by what I have seen today, the customer will have a thoroughly enjoyable experience when they visit ‘DG One @ Loreburn Hall’. The Hall is more than big enough to cope with the various strands of health and fitness our Council offer and I look forward to the opening of the facility in October.”

Improvements to the roof of the Loreburn Hall are due to take place in the next week or two. With less than 5 weeks to the opening of the facility, the almost 200 year old building is taking shape well. Painting, sanding and plumbing works are taking place, and the facility is on schedule to open its doors to treadmill walkers, badminton players and Zumba enthusiasts on Monday 6 October.

Chairman of Nithsdale Area Committee and Provost of Dumfries, Cllr Ted Thompson joined Cllr McAughtrie on the site visit and said after:
” I am really pleased with the way works are progressing. On talking to the workmen it is clear that there is a real enthusiasm to restore the Hall to its former glory. I have nothing but good memories of the Loreburn Hall and this work initially to turn it into a temporary fitness facility will create a good basis for its future use as a community asset.
I would also congratulate the Council’s DGFirst team who managed the project with 84% of the construction works and business procured locally and recycling of materials rates of around 95%. This is a great example of what can be achieved when we work in partnership with others demonstrating the Council’s commitment and ability in promoting the local economy.”

‘DG One @Loreburn Hall’ will open on Monday 6 October. There will be signage and timetable information produced in the upcoming weeks so you can see exactly what the facility has to offer.
For up to date information, please visit www.dgone.co.uk


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