
Magnificent Seven Achieve Standard for Headship

Seven of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s senior school leaders were recognised for attaining the Standard for Headship at an awards ceremony this week.

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chairman of the Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning [CYPLL] committee, and Councillor Ros Surtees, vice-chair, said: “Providing the best start in life for all our children is a priority for our Council. So, it’s magnificent that seven of our senior school leaders have achieved the Standard for Headship. This demonstrates their commitment to their profession and their aspiration to develop as effective school leaders. We wholeheartedly congratulate them on this significant achievement and wish them continuing success in their leadership role.”

Photo shows Dr Gillian Brydson, Head of Education, Dumfries and Galloway Council, with:

• Lesley Farrell, headteacher at Johnstonebridge and Nethermill Primary Schools
• Ruth Cubbon, principal teacher at St Michael’s Primary School
• Claire Storey, principal teacher at St Ninian’s Primary School
• Alison Chambers, deputy headteacher at Moffat Academy
• Melinda Clark, headteacher at Hoddom, Hottsbridge and Eaglesfield Primary Schools
• Jamie Farquhar, deputy head teacher at Dumfries Academy / acting headteacher at Dumfries High School
• Kenny Pullen, principal teacher at Dumfries High School

For more info on Standard for Headship see:

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