Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Community Learning and Development Service in partnership with Moffat Academy’s S3 pupils have been working with adults in the community to assist them get to grips with new technology.

Over a period of four weeks the young people helped the adults learn about how to make better use of their smart phones and tablets, download apps, use Facebook and twitter and much more.
The young people have also been given the opportunity to gain a 2 Star Dynamic Youth Award and can also bank their hours towards either a Silver or Gold Youth Achievement Award.

Chair of Community and Customer Services Committee Cllr Tom McAughtrie said;
“Projects like this really showcase how well our community can work together. The skillsets held by the young people in relation to new technology are incredible and it is fantastic to hear these skills are being passed onto their elders, like me! Social media is becoming a bigger part of everyday life and it it’s encouraging that our Council is facilitating getting more people online and signed up.”
Due to success of the project and the continued demand from adults in the community we are now in the process of planning further Digital Champions sessions involving young people from S3-S6.
If you would like more information about Digital Champions please contact Sue Coulthard, Community Learning and Development Worker or Sharron McGonigle, Community Learning Assistant at Moffat Town Hall or on 07709 479645. Email [email protected] or [email protected]

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