RAIL UNION RMT today confirmed a fresh campaign of industrial action over the extension of Driver Only Operation and Driver Controlled operation on Scotrail.

The revised programme of strike action is now as follows;



* 00.01 hours to 23.59 hours Sunday 3rd July 2016 (as previously notified).



* 00.01 hours Sunday 10th July 2016 and 23.59 hours Monday 11th July 2016.



* 00.01 hours to 23.59 hours Thursday 14th July 2016.



* 00.01 hours Saturday 16th July 2016 to 23.59 hours Sunday 17th July 2016.




The new phase of action follows a series of rock-solid strikes across Scotland which have not produced any movement on the core issues at the heart of the dispute. RMT has pressed hard for serious talks through ACAS but progress has been blocked at every turn by the company. As a result, there is no option but to move forward with a new programme of industrial action.

Despite a barrage of misinformation from Abellio/Scotrail the issue at the core of the dispute is safety and the safety-critical role of the guard.

RMT’s policy is for no extension of DOO on any route or service and for the guard to be in full operational control of the power operated doors. Furthermore, RMT has made it clear that the union is totally opposed to any proposals for extending DOO, reducing or abolishing the safety role of the Conductor and reducing or abolishing the role of the Conductor in operation of the doors.


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“Despite a series of rock-solid strikes it is extraordinary that Abellio/Scotrail continue to ignore the strength of feeling amongst their staff over the extension of DOO. That disgraceful and cavalier approach to jobs and safety on Scotland’s railways now leaves us with no choice but to move to a new phase of industrial action.

“Our members on Scotrail stand determined and united in this fight for jobs and safety on Scotland’s rail services.

‎”The workforce know that any extension of DOO or DCO is a clear attack on our members hard earned terms and conditions. RMT members should not have to face the risk of their role and responsibilities being reduced and undermined.

“The workforce also know only too well that there is a very real threat to passengers of watering down and wiping out the safety critical role of the guard on these Scotrail services. ‎That is a lethal gamble with basic rail safety.

“The union remains available for serious and meaningful talks. ”


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