History and Hauntings of Carnsalloch House


A talk by Mostly Ghostly at Troqueer Arms, Dumfries
1 a 1 a new mostly ghostly Carnsalloch Poster A4Family history, a famous actor and even a headless horseman will feature in the latest in a series of ghost and local history events by Dumfries-based paranormal team, Mostly Ghostly Investigations. History and Hauntings of Carnsalloch House takes place at the Troqueer Arms in Dumfries on . The Saturday 12th September at 7:30pm ,the team will give a talk covering the fascinating history of Carnsalloch including its more recent role as a Leonard Cheshire Care Home. They have delved into the rich history and ghost stories connected with Carnsalloch Estate, building up a picture of some of the people and events that took place there.
Dating back to the 1200s, the earliest records reveal a connection with religious order, the Knights Templar. Then came the Maxwell family who owned and occupied the lands for hundreds of years. Around 1759, the current property, described as a fine Palladian villa, was London chemist, Alexander Johnston. After a multi-faceted and intriguing life, Carnsalloch now lies derelict with a somewhat uncertain future.
Commenting on their interest in the property, Team Founder Kathleen Cronie said: The first time I ever laid eyes on Carnsalloch House, it was late one night in 2007. We’d heard a story about a strange incident that had affected several visitors who’d gone out to explore. Curiosity was piqued and I really wanted to see for myself this place that everyone was talking about; a creepy old mansion inhabited by numerous ghosts, its driveway said to be ridden by a headless horseman with a Pink Lady laying her claim on the nearby burial crypt which I’d visited in awe as a teenager.”
She went on to say: “This house was one of the key inspirational factors in creating Mostly Ghostly Investigations and within a month or two; the wheels were set in motion for a paranormal


research team in Dumfries and Galloway.”
The team believe it’s important to see past what is now an empty shell; Carnsalloch was once a vibrant place, full of life and in the 1960s, played host to the great Dumfries-born actor, John Laurie, best known for his role as dour-faced Private Frazer in Dads Army. Kathleen said: “John officiated over a summer fete at Carnsalloch surrounded by crowds of revellers enjoying a wonderful carefree day – happier times.”
Team member Mary Wood, once a volunteer at the Cheshire Home said: “I have fond memories of Carnsalloch, I remember a beautiful house, a care home valued by the nearby communities, somewhere I was lucky enough to meet many great characters.”
In terms of the supernatural, the team have plenty of stories to share. Team member John Hill explained: For some unknown reason, whenever I visit the property, I feel as if something horrible has happened in the grounds. The feeling seems to come from the trees. We have carried out extensive research and at this point in time, can’t find an explanation for it. On another occasion, events took a strange and unexpected twist. “We were sitting in the car when I witnessed the image of a large, brown, horse appear in front of us. It was tethered to a post and bathed in daylight even though it was dark all around.”

Visitors to the property have spoken of apparitions, footsteps and uncanny feelings, some have heard stories of the legendary Pink Lady and her alleged lover, the horseman. If you listen carefully on a crisp, dark night, you might just hear his hooves galloping hard along the eerie driveway…

you can follow the team on  – [email protected] – – –

• History and Hauntings of Carnsalloch House takes place at Troqueer Arms, Dumfries on Saturday 12th September at 7:30pm


• Tickets available from Midsteeple Box Office, Dumfries (£5)
• Mostly Ghostly launched their paranormal venture by investigating Scotland’s oldest working theatre, Dumfries Theatre Royal on 31//10/08
• Creators of the Dumfries Ghost Walk, Haunted Theatre, Haunted Highways Tours (A75 coach tour) and Legends and Lore at Castle Loch
• Dumfries & Galloway People of the Year Awards 2012 & 2014 Tourism Champion