1 a 1 a mull of galloway 4The Mull of Galloway Trust has recently been awarded £10,000 by Awards for All. Maureen Chand, Chairperson of the Mull of Galloway Trust said “
“We are absolutely delighted to receive this funding to enable us to continue to develop and improve the site which will attract additional tourists to the area and hopefully increase the economic prosperity of the community”

The grant is to be used for new signage around the Mull of Galloway reserve and lighthouse to include interpretation panels about history, flora and fauna and the Beaufighter air crash in 1944. This new signage will help communicate important aspects to visitors about Scotland’s most southerly point and provide facts, information and guidance to visitors in order to increase their enjoyment of the reserve and lighthouse.
The Trust will be working closely with RSPB over the next few months and using the services of their design team. The new interpretation panels are hoped to be in place for the 2015 season at the Mull of Galloway.

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