Murray Farmcare Supports Dumfries Duo on Kilimanjaro Challenge

Murray Farmcare has donated £500 to support Chris Woodness and Dean Goddard’s charity climb of Kilimanjaro in October.

The Dumfries duo have set themselves a target of raising £10,000 for their chosen charities, Aberlour Family Outreach and Dumfries YMCA, and are running a series of fund raising activities before the trip.
Murray Farmcare’s Marketing Manager Laura Davidson Said, “As a business we try to support local groups and events as much as possible and when Dean and Chris approached us about this challenge we were happy to get involved. It’s a great personal achievement for the guys as well raising much needed funds for two charities very much relevant to our locality.”
Dean Goddard of Dumfries YMCA said, “We really appreciate the support of businesses like Murray Farmcare to help us towards our goal. We believe that £10,000 will make a big impact for our charities and donations like this really help with that total.”
You can support the fund raising efforts by buying a raffle ticket, available at Murray Farmcare or contact Chris or Dean through their Facebook page
Images Attached – Chris Woodness and Dean Goddard receive a cheque from Laura Davidson, Marketing Manager, Murray Farmcare
Background Information
Murray Farmcare is an independent veterinary pharmacy and animal health supplier based in Dumfries.
Aberlour Family Outreach is a charity which supports children affected by parental substance misuse in Dumfries, Annandale and Eskdale.
Dumfries YMCA is an organisation which develops partnerships and youth work services within local communities across the region.