Forestry Commission Scotland’s visitor centre at Glentrool will have new caterers when it opens for the season this weekend.


Churchill Catering Ltd, which also runs the popular Kirroughtree visitor centre services, is to take over from Galloway Lodge Preserves.

Keith Muir of Forestry Commission Scotland said:

“We’re very pleased to have Churchill Catering on board at Glentrool too.

“There has been good feedback on the catering offered at Kirroughtree so we can expect a similar high standard of service at our smaller centre at Glentrool.”

Galloway Lodge Preserves have been providing the catering at both Clatteringshaws and Glentrool visitor centres since 2013. The company has decided to consolidate their business solely at Clatteringshaws for the future.

Glentrool Visitor Centre is a smaller in nature and is open on a more seasonal basis, closing during the winter months and opening in the Easter.

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