New Covid-19 Advice Line Is Launched

A new advice line, supported by NHS24, has been launched to address all COVID-19 patient enquiries. This new service is available 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.


It is part of a national approach to manage the increasing demand for Emergency Department, GP Services and Out of Hours Services. This is expected to rise in the coming weeks as a result of the COVID-19 situation.


In the first instance, anyone experiencing mild to moderate symptoms should look at the information relating to COVID-19 on the NHS Inform Website


Anyone experiencing worsening symptoms should speak to NHS24 on 111.


Anyone considered by NHS24 as requiring further assessment will be triaged to the local Hub where a local clinician will phone them back to discuss their symptoms and agree next steps.


Anyone with non-COVID-19 related symptoms should contact their GP Practice by telephone as normal.

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