At Tuesdays Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee Councillors heard that 3 out of the 9 bids made to the Sustrans for Community Links fund 2014-15 were successful, and will therefore now progress detailed design and implementation proposals.

Windsor Road/Ewart Drive, Newton Stewart – Proposed cycleway. This project was funded in 2012-13 for development. Formalisation and improvement to existing informal route linking residential areas to schools. Discussions between the Council and landowners are still ongoing which could influence final proposals and the deliverability of the scheme.

Cresswell to Dumfries Town Centre – To extend existing “on-road” cycle route on Barrie Avenue towards town centre via either Leafield Road and Hoods Loaning and/or via Brooms Road and Queen Street. The latter route potentially in parallel to the “Street Design” project for Queen Street.

Glasgow Street to College Road, Dumfries – Proposed cycle route. This route would be West of Loreburn Cycle Bridge and College Road and would cross grassland linking to Steel Avenue and Glasgow Street.

The total offered by Sustrans is £198,000 and is for 50% of the estimated scheme costs. An offer to the value of £232,000 to improve Cycling, Walking and create Safer Streets (CWSS) in the region from the Scottish Government has been accepted by the Council and will be used to match fund the successful Community Links bids.

Councillors also agreed to progress the following projects subject to available funding:

George Douglas Drive to Holm Park, Dumfries.
Widening of and adoption of an existing footpath, lighting will also be installed. Timing of the works depends on land acquisition and also ground conditions on site. Current projected start date is June 2014.

Loreburn Street/Great King Street junction, Dumfries.
Completion of Toucan crossing to allow cycle movement from Great King Street to Newall Terrace, as part of a link from the National Cycle Route (NCR) 7 at the Whitesands to the railway station.

Dumfries pedestrianised area.
Promotion and implementation of an alteration to the current one way Order allowing cyclists to travel in both directions on pedestrianised streets in the town centre. Cyclists are currently permitted to use the pedestrianised area, but only in the direction of the one ways on most of the pedestrianised roads.

A710 – Kippford road end to Barnbarroch.
This short connection (some 110 metres) would create a shared use connection along the A710 between the forest trails at Barnbarroch and the C24s leading to Kippford. There is already a footway on the C24s up to the A711 junction and Colvend Community Council has identified funding to construct a footway in the verge.

Pelican crossing at the Whitesands at Devorgilla Bridge.
Conversion of this crossing to a Toucan creates another connection between NCR7 on the Whitesands and the pedestrianised area at Friars Vennel.

Pumpfield Lane, Dumfries redetermination.
This minor scheme is to provide a connection from Nithbank to Dock Park and the cycle routes in the park, including again NCR7.

Connection from St Michael Street to Nith Place cycle crossing, Dumfries.
Part of the renewal of the traffic signals at the St Michael Street/Nith Place junction was to provide crossings for use by both cyclists and pedestrians. Another part of this was to extend the on-road cycle lane on St Michael Street, leading to the crossing across Nith Place.

Councillor Colin Smyth, Chair of the Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said
“We are fully committed to improving walking and cycling in the region and I am delighted that funding has been secured for these projects. I am hopeful that other projects can be progressed in Dumfries and Galloway as additional funding becomes available and we can impact positively on the health of the region.”

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