The Community and Customer Services Committee on Tuesday 19 August are expected to agree a site for a new Archive and Local Studies Centre in Dumfries. The committee will be presented with 4 options for the site – these are;

• Buccleuch Street (adjacent to Municipal Chambers)
• Crichton (former laundry site)
• Ewart Library in Catherine Street
• Land at Gracefield/Woodbank on Edinburgh Road

Once a preferred site has been chosen by members, a report will be presented to the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee next month to request the match-funding for the project. There will also be a Stage One Heritage Lottery Fund funding application submitted before the deadline of October this year.

All 4 sites mentioned above are currently Council owned, making them standout choices from the original list of 23 sites that were suggested by members of the public in a survey undertaken by our Council.

Members will take into account capital and revenue costs for each of the 4 sites when making their decision.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Chairman of Community and Customer Services committee Tom McAughtrie said:
” The new Archive Centre will be a positive step for Dumfries and Galloway. The new Centre will provide locals and visitors alike with first class research facilities in a state of the art facility. It is my hope that my fellow Members will approve a suitable site and we can press forward with funding applications.”

To read the re1port in full including the Options appraisal for the project go to the Committee papers on the Council website at;


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