New Emotional Abuse Campaign Launched

The Dumfries and Galloway Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women Partnership (DAVAWP) has launched a new campaign to tackle emotional / psychological abuse in the region.

The launch coincides with the 16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence International Campaign that runs from 25 November – the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – to 10 December – Human Rights Day. This symbolically links domestic abuse and other forms of violence against women and girls with human rights violations. (These other forms of violence include: rape and sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, stalking, prostitution, pornography, sex trafficking, forced/child marriage, female genital mutilation, so-called “honour” crimes, and sexual harassment.)

The Dumfries and Galloway DAVAWP decided to focus on Emotional Abuse due to the fact that this is a form of domestic abuse that is very difficult for people affected to recognise as well as it is for their family and friends and the rest of the community to identify. Emotional Abuse can be very subtle sometimes and it can escalate gradually and subtly to the point that it may seem normal.

The campaign includes a new poster, a comprehensive leaflet that addresses all aspects of emotional / psychological abuse and how it links with other forms of abuse, a till receipt campaign run in partnership with a local store and small cards with helpline numbers which will be distributed to hospitals, doctors’ and dentists’ surgeries, libraries and police stations.

The Dumfries and Galloway DAVAWP has also arranged a free showing of Kaleidoscope, a new play on domestic abuse, which will take place on 8 December at 5:30pm at the Robert Burns Cinema in Dumfries. People can book free tickets by emailing: [email protected]

Daniel McKeever – Dumfries and Galloway DAVAWP interim Chairman said: “It is crucial to raise awareness of emotional/psychological abuse, how it works, and how it affects people as this form of abuse can be very subtle sometimes but even then it can damage people who experience it. We hope that this campaign will help people identify abusive behaviour in their relationships sooner and will encourage them to seek help from local or national organisations; this way, more people will be protected and great suffering will be avoided. ”


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