A new directory has just been launched which gives key information on all Council operated harbours in the region. This is the first directory of its kind in Dumfries and Galloway and has useful details such as depths, tides, currents and other aids to navigation. For visiting boats, the directory also outlines facilities at each harbour as well as nearby amenities.
The aim of the booklet is to allow visiting vessels, particularly but not exclusively leisure craft, to safely visit our harbours. The need for the booklet was identified as part of the marine risk assessment process carried out in accordance with the Port Marine Safety Code. The code stipulates that harbours operators have legal duties relating to the safety of people using harbours and also nearby communities. The Port Marine Safety Code, is not mandatory but it establishes a national standard for every aspect of port marine safety and all statutory harbour authorities should therefore comply with the code.
The coastline of Dumfries and Galloway extends to some 320 km and Dumfries and Galloway Council owns and operates five harbours along its coastline. These are Kirkcudbright, Port William, Isle of Whithorn, Garlieston and Stranraer which are all located in the west of Dumfries and Galloway. There
are also several trust ports and private harbours along the coast although not all of them are operational.
Councillor Colin Smyth, Chairman of the Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said
“Although people navigating these harbours still need nautical charts, the directory will prove invaluable to using these harbours safely. I am also pleased the booklet highlights things to see and do in the surrounding area which could help the local economies.”
The directory is available free of charge to harbour users. It is also available online at www.dumgal.gov.uk/harbours