
New Lord Lieutenant Appointed for Stewartry Region

Matthew Murray Kennedy St Clair, The Lord Sinclair, has been appointed as Her Majesty The Queen’s Lord Lieutenant for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright.

He was appointed as Deputy Lieutenant of The Stewartry in 2016 and succeeds the late Patsy Gilroy as Lord Lieutenant.

Lord Sinclair was educated at Glenalmond College, Perthshire, and gained a Diploma in Land and Estate Management from the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester.
He then worked for Smiths Gore in Edinburgh and qualified as a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

He is a director of Saint Property Ltd, which he founded, and owns Knocknalling Farms, a farming and forestry business. He has recently been appointed as a Governor of Cargilfield School, Edinburgh.

He was previously Chair of the Scottish Land and Estates, South West Region, and Chairman of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust Scottish Auction.

Issued on behalf of the Lieutenancy