New Provider To Deliver General Medical Services Out Of Southern Machars

A new provider has been awarded the contract to deliver general medical services out of the practice in Southern Machars.


Dr Shereen Saleh, Dr Gulnur Yaman-Dent and Dr Gorkem Hamali have successfully bid to take over responsibility for managing services. Drs Saleh and Yaman-Dent have already been providing service to the Southern Machars Practice and are now enjoying working there on a permanent basis with Dr Hamali.


Deputy Medical Director Dr Grecy Bell said: “NHS Dumfries and Galloway welcomes the outcome of a process aimed at securing an independent contractor to deliver general medical services out of Southern Machars.


“This now places Southern Machars Medical Practice in line with the majority of other GP practices within the region.
“A scoring panel was formed which included representatives from the local community, and Dr Shereen Saleh, Dr Gulnur Yaman-Dent and Dr Gorkem Hamali impressed the panel with their obvious desire to serve the area and build a successful model for provision of local healthcare.”


Doctors Saleh, Yaman-Dent and Hamali say they are keen to build on the work they have already been undertaking at the practice, and to create a sustainable practice providing quality care.


Dr Saleh said: “We are excited to join the practice and help care for our community. Our team is skilled and caring, and we want to make sure everyone feels listened to, supported, and empowered about their health.
“We will work together to give the best care for each patient, focusing on their own individual needs. From managing long-term illnesses to helping people stay healthy, we aim to improve health and build trust with the community.
“Innovation will be key. We want to make services simpler and better for patients.
“We’ll also be looking to establish good channels of communication with our community, making people aware of opportunities – whether that’s in terms of services, or even job opportunities.
“We care about our staff. By creating a positive workplace, providing training and flexible working options, we want everyone on the team to feel valued and ready to do their best.
“Our goal is to make this practice a place that meets today’s needs and which grows to face tomorrow’s challenges. With our focus being on our community, on innovation and on quality of care, we aim to make a real difference for everyone we serve.”