NHS D&G World Mental Health Week Activities

Good Mental Health for All is being promoted as part of Mental Health Week 9-15 October by Support in Mind Scotland in conjunction with DG Health and Wellbeing (NHS Dumfries and Galloway/Dumfries and Galloway Council Joint Unit).

A programme of activities will take place across the region to encourage people to take time to think about mental health and get involved with activities that can help with their own wellbeing.


Claire Thirlwall, Health and Wellbeing Specialist, DG Health and Wellbeing said “Everyone has mental health and research shows that one in four people will experience a mental health condition. Yet despite this, there is a lack of understanding surrounding mental health by the general public”


Emma Scott, Manager of Kaleidoscope, Support in Mind Scotland’s Dumfries resource centre added “There is a lot we can do to learn about mental health and how to look after our own mental wellbeing. This can include seeking advice and information, getting active, being creative or simply talking to someone”


“The Dumfries and Galloway Mental Health Festival aims to highlight mental health, help people find out more about what local support there is and get involved with local opportunities.  There are a variety of things happening across the region including an art exhibition, a drama performance, poetry sessions, quizzes and information displays“


To find out more about the weeks programme, visit:  https://www.supportinmindscotland.org.uk/news/world-mental-health-day-2016


If you or someone you know is experiencing distress, please make an appointment with your GP or contact NHS 24 on 111, Samaritans  116 123 or Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87


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