Nith Inshore Rescue Lifeboat Station Need Your Help



Nith Inshore Rescue (NIR) needs help in building a much needed extension to our Lifeboat Station.Appeal for £20,000

NIR is an independent lifeboat and search and rescue service.

A Spokes person for the Lifeboat station told DGWGO ” We are a voluntary, community led organisation that helps save lives, provides water based training, education and outreach services to all communities in Dumfries and Galloway.

We are on call 24/7, 365 days in the year, and are an integral part of the region’s emergency response

NIR Lifeboat Station was built in 1999. Since then, the scale and reach of our activities have significantly increased. Today we have more kit, more crew, and are more than ever in demand.

But we have run out of space.

The Extension will allow enough space to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of their services for the foreseeable future.

The Extension has already received generous financial support from:

Annandale and Nithsdale Community Benefit Company, Dumfries and Galloway LEADER, The Holywood Trust, and The Robertson Trust, and our local communities, for which we are very appreciative

As a result of this support, 90% of the funding is already in place.

The Spokesperson continued ” We need to raise a further £20,000 to help us reach our target and make sure that the crew room and the operation / training room are
properly fitted out. Your donation will help us pay for vital equipment such as:

PA system, alarm intruder system, TV for training / presentations, desks
/ lockers/ kitchen equipment, fitting out the workshop, computer display
system, floor finishing, decoration, CCTV, landscaping.

We are almost there in this (for us) major appeal. The Boathouse extension is going to transform our operations, and ensure that we continue to be fit for purpose for the foreseeable future as a major volunteer contributor to the security and safety of the people of our region.

Please can you help us finish the project?”

Donations can be made through our Just Giving page:

Or by texting the words NITH23 plus the amount (eg. £10) to 70070

Scottish Charity No.SC022223

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