Council to Review North West Community Campus Progress Report

DUMFRIES and Galloway Council’s CYPLL [Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning] committee [28 May 2019] will consider a report on North West Community Campus.

The report asks members to note progress since the report presented to committee on 26 March 2019.

It outlines the planning and actions put in place for nursery, primary and Langlands pupils and staff to move back in March and April, and arrangements for the secondary pupils and staff to move on 3rd June. This will allow SQA examinations to take place in the Maxwelltown High building. Secondary staff and pupils have already been able to visit the new building and plan for their return in June.

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chair of the CYPLL committee, said: “Since decant arrangements were put in place in September, the Headteacher, Operations Manager and a wide range of Council staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that North West Community Campus can be the first-class facility that we all want it to be. I would like to thank the Parent Council, the parents and staff and especially all of the pupils for their assistance and understanding whilst the works have been carried out at the new campus.”
Councillor Ros Surtees, vice chair, said: “Education opens the doors to opportunities for children and we’re determined to improve life chances for our children. Despite its teething troubles, I fully expect NWCC to be play a key role in improving standards in education and closing the attainment gap.”

See report at: