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Police Scotland and Dumfries and Galloway Council officers are working with organisers on public safety related to the planned public procession (All Under One Banner) through Dumfries town centre on Saturday.
As a result of the procession, there will be disruption in and around the town. Road closures will be put in place for the duration of the procession around the proposed route starting at 12.30pm and finishing at approximately 1.30pm. The procession route takes in the High Street, Buccleuch Street, Whitesands and Dock Head finishing in the Dock Park.
As there are a number of other events taking place in Dumfries this weekend, the public are being asked to plan ahead and be prepared for delays. Public transport will also be impacted. The bus companies are aware of the planned procession and will be making appropriate arrangements which will be published on their website once they are confirmed.
Route Marked in blue
Police Scotland Gold Commander for the procession, Chief Inspector Stuart Davidson said “we have been fully engaged with the organisers of the All Under One Banner public procession, the local authority and colleagues from the other emergency services for some time now to ensure that everyone involved is fully aware of their responsibilities on the day. Our objective for the policing operation is to keep people safe, whether participating in the procession, or those in the wider community in Dumfries that day. Clearly the town will be very busy on Saturday with a number of other events taking place. I would encourage everyone to carefully consider their travel arrangements through the town on Saturday, bearing in mind that road closures will be in place to ensure the safety of those taking part in the procession and the wider public.”