Palm Oil Hazardous To Dogs Washes Up On Galloway Shore Line

Nuggets of toxic palm oil are being washed ashore on beaches in the Stranraer and Wig Bay areas.

Dumfries and Galloway Council have carried out a clean up operation around Stranraer, butit is reported that more palm oil is being deposited on the shore with the tide. It is unknown for just how long this sold palm oil my continue to wash up on our shores, and where else it may start to appear.

Palm oil is harmless to humans but can have serious health effects and even be fatal if eaten by dogs.

Posters have been placed along the shore at Stranraer advising dog owners to be aware of the risks.

Solid Palm Oil can take the form of a large white stone and members of the public are asked to avoid it and advise Environmental health of any finds.

Further information or advice is available from the Council’s Environmental Health service, phone 01776 705 454

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