
Featured Chef – Paul Somerville


Main Image: Paul’s Salmon Crab Risotto

Paul Somerville is Executive Head Chef at The Selkirk Arms Hotel in Kirkcudbright. A Lochmaben lad of origin Paul has worked alongside Chef / Hotelier Chris Walker for over 20 years first working together at The Creebridge House Hotel in Newton Stewart, then at The Masonic in Gatehouse before settling into the driving seat at The Selkirk.

“Paul has a passion that is rare to see nowadays never mind remaining as passionate for 20 years” says Hotel owner Chris Walker “ Paul and I have worked alongside each other for over 20 years and what is exciting about working with Paul is his hunger for knowledge, new ideas, new techniques and new flavour combinations.

“One of the most exciting things for me is working with such and amazing range of local suppliers” says Paul. “ From Loch Arthur to Galloway Smoke House, Scott Carson’s butchers to Rowan Glen for our butter and Yoghurts we are just about self sufficient for a region. I just love the variety and working with the seasonality of our fish, game and vegetables. We pride ourselves on using as much fresh and local produce as we can”

Working in the school of tough knocks with Michelin Starred chef John Burton Race, Paul has grafted his way to the top of the pick locally and is held in very high esteem from fellow Chefs across the region.

Paul has put together a mouth-watering recipe for our readers to enjoy:

[column width=”1″ place=”none” ][headline]Recipe: Chocolate & Pecan Nut Tart [/headline]

Ingredients Tart Filling
6 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
100g castor Sugar
300g soft butter
400g dark bitter chocolate
2tsp plain flour
100g chopped Pecan Nuts


  • Melt the chocolate and the butter in a Bain-marie
  • Whisk the eggs and the sugar together till light and fluffly
  • Gently fold together
  • Add the sieved flour to the mixture
  • Pour into the Tart Case and sprinkle the chopped Pecans on top
  • Bake for 10 mins at gas mark 4 (180)


Pastry Recipe
12oz plain flour
120g icing sugar
165g soft butter
1 whole egg


  • Cream the sugar and the butter till smooth and cream
  • Add the egg, then gradually add the flour
  • Put in the fridge and allow to rest for 1 hour


You can keep up to date with Paul at The Selkirk Arms websiteFacebook Page and Twitter Account

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