Period Dignity Poverty Project in Dumfries & Galloway

Dumfries and Galloway Council has reaffirmed its commitment to end period poverty. This week, Scotland became the first country in the world to make period products free, but our council has been ahead of the curve, making products free from 2018.

The Scottish Government’s Period Dignity Poverty Act came into force on 15th August 2022.

Dumfries and Galloway Council was one of the first local authorities in Scotland which offered free Period Poverty Products in all Primary and Secondary Schools from 2018 onwards. Following the announcement of the Scottish Government allocating funding on an annual basis to support the provision of these products, additional supplies of free poverty products continued to be expanded with all Education and Youth Work Centres receiving supplies to be allocated on a free non-stigma basis.

D&G council completed an in-depth consultation with young people to ensure that the insight on how we could best fit the needs of those being supported were completed.
The model of free products being available in all toilet cubicles and toilets has removed any stigma which would otherwise have been attached to the request for products which is the case in other regions of Scotland.

Dumfries and Galloway Council, together with the Scottish Government, greatly expanded their Period Poverty support during the Covid 19 Pandemic to ensure that we could continue to support those most in need. A new Online Period Dignity Poverty Project was developed which was specifically designed to ensure that that no one suffers in anyway through not having enough income to purchase these essential products. This new Project was developed during 2020 and provides a monthly delivery to the home address of anyone requiring support. This Project continues to be available to anyone who menstruates, regardless of age, that lives in Dumfries and Galloway and anyone can order sanitary products of their choice to help them at this very challenging time.
Over the last few months, this Project has moved to a co-production model and the delivery of the free Period Products is now completed in partnership by Dumfries and Galloway Council with 10 community groups and organisations located throughout the region. Our new Period Dignity Partnership Project ensures that each of these support organisations are able to offer additional help and advice to the families and individuals who are being supported at this time of increasing need and in turn are increasing their sustainability by completing their deliveries every month.

Councillor Archie Dryburgh, Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee stated “The continuation and further enhancement of our Period Dignity Partnership Project within Dumfries and Galloway highlights our continued commitment shown by our Council to tackle all forms of poverty and inequalities throughout our Region.
We have been one of the Local Authorities within Scotland who have been leading on this support prior to the original grant funding by the Scottish Government and are proud to say that we have continued to deliver and enhance the support provided since 2018. We realise that the current Cost of Living Crisis is impacting on so many families and this Project is providing support with no stigma straight to the home addresses of those most in need”.
Councillor John Campbell, Vice Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee stated “Within our Region, we have delivered and developed Period Dignity Projects which have been specifically designed through consultation with young people and families to ensure that the support which we provide is designed for those most in need. Our new Partnership Model will also increase the dedicated support to all of the families and individuals who are receiving these items every month as it ensures that local organisations have the opportunity to highlight additional poverty and inequalities projects which can be accessed within the local area.
There has never been a greater need for help to families and individual who are struggling at this time and this Project ensures that these essential supplies are provided with the highest level on dignity, straight to the home address of those in need on an ongoing basis”.

For more information on this Project, please log onto the following link which will take you to our Support DG webpage where you can place your order for these free products. You can also amend your order at anytime too:

SupportDG – Dumfries and Galloway Council – Access to free sanitary products – Period Dignity Project (

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