Come and enjoy a fun-filled afternoon in Dock Park on Sunday 26 July from 12noon to 2pm with various activities on offer for children to enjoy.
DSC_8556The event is being organised by Dumfries and Galloway Council and has a Pirates and Princesses theme to give children the opportunity to create their own pirate/princess hats and to dress up as their favourite pirate or princess.
There will be a bouncy castle, storyteller, petting zoo and face painting available on the day to keep the children entertained, as well as music and dance and all the usual activities the park hosts..
Councillor Colin Smyth, who is Chair of the Council’s Economy Environment and Infrastructure Committee said;

“Our Council will deliver what I am sure will be another fantastic free event for children and families to enjoy in the transformed Dock Park. The Council committed funding to redevelop the Park to allow events like this to be held. The Pirates and Princesses theme will hopefully be embraced by children and parents alike and it is hoped the event will be well attended.”
To keep up to date with events the Council is organising during the summer holidays visit www.dumgal.gov.uk/summer

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