Pledge To Do One Thing To Make The NHS Better!

Pledge To Do One Thing To Make The NHS Better!


NHS Change Day takes place on Monday 3 March 2014.  It is a UK wide frontline call to action that aims to get as many people as possible to pledge to do one thing to improve their local NHS. 


NHS Change Day is about recognising that anyone can inspire change and actively play a role in improving their local NHS.


Staff, patients, families and communities are being urged to make a pledge.Pledges can be big or small, personal or professional. The only requirement is that individuals pledge to make a difference to their local NHS.


The NHS Dumfries and Galloway pledges were kicked off by Sharon McGarva, a staff nurse on the children’s ward. Sharon pledged to ensure every child she looks gets a bravery certificate.


NHS Dumfries and Galloway, Chief Executive, Jeff Ace, pledged:

“To ensure that the Board of NHS Dumfries and Galloway will ensure safe, effective and person centred care is its first priority”


In addition, Professor Hazel Borland, the Executive Nurse Director at NHS Dumfries and Galloway said:

 “I pledge never to walk past a standard I do not accept”


Ian Hancock, General Manager of the Mental Health Directorate and keen supporter of the NHS Change Day, pledged:

“To clearly and consistently reward small changes in order to reinforce all those making an effort to improve their own and others’ lives.” 


Patients, families and communities can also pledge, for example they can pledge not to miss appointments or pledge to provide feedback on the care they receive or even pledge to say thank you to NHS staff.  Every voice counts and every pledge matters. Visit to make your pledge today.


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