Police Launch Be bright – Be safe Campaign

Police Scotland is asking those who use our roads across the region to take care as we approach weekend where we change the clocks from British Summer Time to Greenwich Mean Time, and the coming of the longer and darker nights. 
“Whether you use the road as a driver of a vehicle, a cyclist, a horse rider or a pedestrian, we ask everyone take extra care and to consider their visibility to other road users as they go about,” explains Inspector Campbell Moffat of the Roads Policing Unit. Be Bright Be Safe at night, or in the early mornings is good advice and lights should be checked on vehicles and cycles alike. Make sure they all work and get into the habit of checking them every day. It only takes a minute. It is imperative that you are able to see, as well as be seen.
Whether a pedestrian, jogger or even dog walker, please consider wearing something bright when out and about in order that others using the roads can see you. Likewise those on horseback should also consider carefully their visibility to others. Dress brightly, and if you can, wear reflective gear. Even a backpack or rucksack with something reflective on it to highlight your presence is better than nothing.”
“Our roads network across the region has never been busier, and the poor visibility that the dark nights, and often inclement weather bring add to the dangers for those using our roads. Be Bright Be Safe.”


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