Police Investigate Lynx Sighting in Newton Stewart Area

An investigation has been launched following reports of a possible lynx sighting in woodland near Newton Stewart on 26 February.

The sighting was reported to the police on 1 March, and officers are working with partners to confirm the details of the incident. NatureScot has set up trail cameras in the area and notified local landowners.

Authorities have advised the public to avoid approaching any lynx and to contact the police on 101 if spotted.

This sighting follows a recent case in the Cairngorms, where several lynx were illegally released earlier this year. These animals were spotted in the national park on two separate occasions in early January before being captured. One male lynx died after capture, while three females are currently seeking a new home after completing quarantine at Edinburgh Zoo. The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) described the release of these lynx as “highly irresponsible.”

Lynx were once native to Scotland but were driven to extinction several hundred years ago. There are suspicions that the lynx in the Cairngorms were either abandoned pets or were released by individuals hoping to see the species reintroduced to Scotland’s forests and glens. However, despite the recent sightings, First Minister John Swinney has ruled out the legal reintroduction of lynx into the wild in Scotland.

As investigations continue into the sighting near Newton Stewart, authorities are urging caution and asking the public to report any further animal sightings.