Police Scotland have today issued a warning to drivers in Dumfries and Galloway  not to take needless chances with their lives or the lives of others when in charge of their vehicle.Local police report that there has been a sharp rise in accidents on Dumfries and Galloways roads leading to a number of lives being lost in the last month. A spokes man for the police stated that there are many different reasons that can cause accidents, but drivers are being urged to concentrate when behind the wheel and not be distracted by mobile devices and other things.


A  Police Scotland campaign is launching today (7 March)  with motorists  being warned to cut their speed and help save lives in a week long

Officers from Police Scotland will be out on Scotland’s roads tackling speeding drivers, during the week.

As well as enforcing speed limits, officers will take every opportunity to interact with road users, particularly those from vulnerable groups (pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders and motorcyclists) to educate them about the inherent dangers associated with speeding and driving at inappropriate speed.

Head of Road Policing Chief Superintendent Andy Edmonston said: “Police Scotland is committed to making our country’s roads safer. Communities across Scotland continually tell us that road safety and speeding are issues of concern for them, that is why reducing road casualties and fatalities remains one of our top policing priorities.

“In 2014, 200 people were killed on our roads, and excess speed was the main contributory factor in nearly 20 per cent of all road fatalities. It was also a factor in 11 per cent of all accidents.

Vulnerable road users accounted for nearly half (95) of all road fatalities in 2014 and a further 3348 suffered injury.

“We want people to realise the potentially devastating effects their driving can have on others, especially vulnerable road users.

“Speed limits are there for a reason and show the maximum speed at which it is permitted to drive, however drivers also need to drive according to the prevailing conditions, adjusting speed accordingly if it is wet, foggy or the sun is low for example. This may result in a safe speed being considerably below the posted limit.”

“We are committed to achieving the Scottish Government’s 2020 casualty reduction targets. By driving at an appropriate speed and being aware of road conditions, you can help us reduce the number of casualties on Scotland’s roads and make the roads safer.”

Read more road safety tips in our Keep Safe section.

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