Police Scotland has launched a campaign aimed at ensuring festive High Street and online shoppers and revellers stay safe over Christmas and New Year with a range of top crime prevention and safety tips.

The campaign offers a range of advice designed to deliver criminals an unhappy Christmas by providing the public with information which helps them shop safe, party safe and stay secure at home and online.

The Festive Safety campaign’s key crime prevention tips including:

1 a 1 a keep safe• Don’t leave bags unattended and look after your wallet/purse
• Don’t leave gifts on display in your car
• Think before you post photos on social media. If in doubt don’t post it online
• Only use trusted sites when shopping online – look for the ‘padlock’ in the address line before entering details
• Plan your journey home from a Christmas night out, don’t leave drinks unattended, stay with your friends and look out for each other
• Keep your home secure, lock all windows and doors, and switch on the alarm if you have one
• Don’t advertise an empty home by posting festive plans online.
Inspector Stuart Wilson Police Scotland Community Safety Department said “communities across Dumfries and Galloway become busier day and night over the festive period with shoppers and people out celebrating. Police Scotland wants to ensure people have a great time by providing some basic prevention advice and tips on Keeping Safe – whether shopping, socialising, within the home or online.
“Unfortunately there are those who exploit the festive period for the wrong reasons. Prevention is essential in removing opportunities for criminals.
“On the run up to Christmas everyone is busy making preparations, whether out shopping, buying gifts online or out celebrating with friends and family. We are asking you to take a moment to think about the simple preventative measures you can take to discourage criminals and to stay safe.”



Scottish Business Resilience Centre Assistant Director Chief Inspector Brian Gibson said:

“With ever increasing numbers of online retailers, more and more people are finding that using the internet is a convenient and easy way to shop. Selling online is great for business, but only if you can do it without 1 a 1 a keep safe  1being the victim of fraud, charge backs and other hassles.
“For people out shopping, try not to over-burden yourself with packages or leave your bag unattended on the back of shopping trolleys or on top of pushchairs. Aim to make sure that your bag is secure. If it has a strap, wear it across your body. If you are carrying a purse or wallet don’t carry large amounts of cash and hold it close to your body or keep it in a front pocket. Always remain aware of what is going on around you and if you have a cash card keep it separate from your cheque book or PIN.”

Angela Parker, National Manager, Scotland Crimestoppers Trust, said:

“Fraudulent crime has increased by 60 per cent over the past five years. Independent charity Crimestoppers Scotland can help stop this type of crime across Scotland. If you know anyone involved in making Christmas a misery for shoppers you can contact us anonymously through our phone line 0800 555 111 or our secure online form at www.crimestoppers-uk.org. We can’t trace your call or track information given online. We want to know what you know, not who you are. You won’t have to give a statement to police or go to court.
The campaign will cover TV and outdoor advertising, posters and leaflets available in local communities and advice posted on social media.

Full details of the festive safety campaign can be found at http://www.scotland.police.uk/whats-happening/campaigns/2014/keep-safe-over-the-festiveperiod


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