Police Scotland is investigating the circumstances surrounding an attack on a Staffordshire bull terrier dog which was attacked and injured by two Alsation dogs on the grassed area just off Alloway Road in Dumfries. The incident happened at around 1650 hours on Thursday 19 May 2016 while the dog was being walked by it’s 70-year-old owner. The dog was off the lead at the time when it was attacked by two Alsation dogs which appeared from the Osborne Drive area. As a result of this attack, the Staffordshire bull terrier had to be taken to the vat whereby it was treated for a number of cuts.

Constable Gary Bil at Dumfries said “we are looking for witnesses to this attack which went on for some time as the owner of the Staffordshire dog was unable to separate all three dogs. Anyone who witnessed the incident, or can help identify the owners of the Alsations is asked to call us in Dumfries on 101.”

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