Police Scotland Recruiting New Officers Across Dumfries & Galloway

Police Scotland is hosting local community information events in the Dumfries and Galloway area. You will hear from serving officers about what the job is like and you will be able to find out more about the application process from our recruitment team.

No two days are the same for our police officers but every day they keep people safe. You can be called to a report of a housebreaking then go to deal with a road crash. After that you might be taking a statement from a victim of domestic abuse and then speaking to school pupils about keeping safe online.

Helping people at some of their worst times is at the heart of what we do and it is very rewarding.

Find out more about the application process from our recruitment team.

The events will take place on:
Monday 20thMarch 2023, 6pm till 8pm, Stranraer Police Office, Port Rodie, Stranraer, DG9 8EG

Tuesday, 21st March 2023, 6pm till 8pm, Dumfries and Galloway Divisional Headquarters, Cornwall Mount, Dumfries, DG1 1PZ

If you think you could be the difference your community needs visit, http://ow.ly/eErM50N4kYg

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