Suspicious Incidents – Carrutherstown

Police Scotland want to speak to the following described man after two suspicious incidents involving him at the Carrutherstown Hotel in Carrutherstown. In the first incident, which happened at around 1730 hours on Saturday 20 June 2015, a 26 year old female employee in the hotel bar observed the man attempting to steal her handbag. The employee challenged the man and he made off after what was a short struggle when the employee wrestled the bag from him He was seen driving away in a red coloured VW car towards the A75 road. The employee was later checked over at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary and suffered bruising to her arms and abdomen in the incident.

On the second occasion, which happened at around 1900 hours on Saturday 18 July 2015, the same employee came across the man again in the bar, and after exchanging words, he made off again, however this time no vehicle was seen.

The man involved is described as being about 5’7″/5’8″ tall, slim face and black scruffy hair, about 25 years of age and spoke with an English accent. On the incident on Saturday 18 July he was wearing a black puffa style jacket, black gloves and jeans.

Sergeant Steven Wilson of the Annan Community Policing Unit said “On both occasions when this man entered the bar it was empty save for the female employee. We are keen to hear from anyone who may recognise the description of this man and who can help identify him.”


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