Am I Pregnant? – New Initiative Launched By NHS Dumfries & Galloway


“Am I pregnant?”

That is the question many women ask when they are experiencing the early symptoms of pregnancy.

NHS Dumfries and Galloway are launching the Scottish Government initiative to encourage at least 80% of pregnant women to book for early antenatal care by the 12th week of gestation by March 2015.

The aim of the initiative is to ensure all pregnant women see a Named Midwife as early as possible in their pregnancy so that they have the opportunity to make informed choices about the full range of screening options and are offered a maternity care pathway which best suits their needs.

Joyce Reekie, Head of Midwifery said:
“Booking for early antenatal care, offers women and their babies the best possible start. We know that for some mums contacting a midwife is sometimes delayed, however this initiative highlights the importance of early antenatal care which is fundamental to good outcomes for both mum and baby.

Midwives locally have developed a specialist online resource which offers help, support and advice if a woman thinks she might be pregnant. This resource also informs women how to contact a midwife directly which supports the national initiative. Information can be found at

Leaflets and other initiative materials are also available at GP Surgeries, Pharmacies, Community Centres, Nurseries, Sexual Health and Libraries.”

Left to Right- Midwife Tracey Clark, Midwife Anne Anderson, Specialist Midwife Natalie Potts, Senior Charge Midwife Ann Robison, Maternity Care Assistant Cher Dougan, Head of Midwifery Joyce Reekie.

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