
Princess Anne To Visit Wigtown And Stranraer

HRH The Princess Royal will visit Stranraer and Wigtown as Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

During her visit  Princess Anne will take a tour of Stranraer Marina, meeting key people associated with developing it, local fishermen, and voluntary groups. She will unveil a plaque marking the start of works on the St Ayles Skiff Boathouse and tour Agnew Park.
Also while visiting Stranaer The Princess Royal will visit Stair Park Community Garden, which has improved the lives of people with learning difficulties.
Then Princess Anne will travel to Wigtown Parish Church and meet members of the congregation and view the graves of the Wigtown martyrs

The Princess will arrive at Stranraer from 11.45am  and in Wigtown at 2.15pm

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