
Proposed new Development Plan Agreed for the Region

Future development across the region received a boost last week when the Council agreed its Proposed Local Development Plan for Dumfries and Galloway. The Plan, which is updated every 5 years, sets out an ambitious vison for what the region could look like in 20 years’ time. It gives an indication of where new development will be encouraged and which areas should be protected.
On Thursday (18th January) at the meeting of Dumfries and Galloway’s Full Council, Members looked at a total of 169 sites earmarked for future housing and business related development. The Plan also explains the Council’s planning policies that will apply, should development of these areas take place.
Now it is your turn! – Our Council has already carried out consultation last year in preparing this Plan and we are now seeking the views of residents, communities, landowners and businesses on the final version.
Comments on the Proposed Plan can be made over an 8 week period from 29 January until 26 March 2018. Full details of the Plan and how to comment can be found on our Council’s website, from 29th January, at: www.dumgal.gov.uk/ldp2
Copies of the Plan will also be available in local libraries and customer service centres across the region.
This Plan will replace the current Local Development Plan. Following the public consultation period the Council’s proposals will be reviewed by a Scottish Government Planning Reporter who will rule on the final content of the Plan before it can be formally agreed.

Council Leader Elaine Murray said: “Our Proposed Local Development Plan is key to supporting our priority of boosting the local economy, but we also recognise that there are areas of our landscape and open space which our communities value. The Plan will help us encourage the right developments in the right place and attract much needed new investment to our area. I would urge anyone with an interest in the future development of our region to make representation during the 8 week period. We need your views to bring the developments you want to your areas.”