Super Heroes & Super Villains in epic battle near Annan!

Steve Turnbull Photography went along to the Prozone Paintball, near Annan, last weekend for the final big paintball game of the season – Super Heroes Vs Super Villains

The event included 70 of the UK’s best Woodsball players coming from as far as Wolverhampton and Aberdeen to take part in this excitement packed weekend.

I arrived at Prozone Paintball early Saturday morning (26th October 2013) to find the day was already a hive of activity, players were arriving, trade stands were being set up and food vendors were busy firing up their stoves for the breakfast rolls. Soon there were more than 40 players on site; most of them had also set up camp for the weekend. The weather was poor but that didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits as the weekend promised to be a massive battle of good versus evil.

Players were gearing up for the three-man tournament in the bunkers zone for some 3 on 3 close quarter combat.

The atmosphere was alive, the trade shows hopping, there was music playing, and excitement was already building for the Sunday’s epic 6 hour game.

At 9am on the Sunday the fun started all players started to gear up checking markers (paintball Guns) by making sure they were firing at the legal limit for the day’s action. Some were in fancy dress; Batman and Robin made an appearance for the super heroes and there was even an evil Spiderman for the Super Villains.

Shortly after 10am the Super Heroes and Super Villains took to the field and battled out the first mission.

Both teams met head-on in the mid-field and paint, and smoke bombs started to fly! In true Hollywood style the Super Villains gave a good fight to start but to no avail as they lost the first game

1-0 to the Super Heroes and the banter started to fly

The second game kicked off, with both sides meeting head on in the village field. The Super Villains having to detonate a bomb as the Super Heroes looked to stop them yet again. The paint was flying with both sides playing some of the best paintball of the year. The Super Heroes took the win and stopped their opponents from detonating their bomb

2-0 to the Super Heroes

Game three was about defending the Super Villain’s secret base, deep within the bunkers were a maze of twisting and turning corridors and rooms. Paint was spilt, there were flash bangs and smoke thrown in. The Super Villains quickly got their act together and took game 3.

2-1 to the Super Heroes

The final battle was EPIC, to say the least. Both teams started out on the same side of the village field to rescue their captains from each other’s head quarters.

As soon as “Game on!” was called there was a mass of smoke bombs and flash bangs being thrown from all angles. The two teams clashed in an adrealin filled game which turned out to be one of the most fiercest fire fights of the day. There were some amazing moves made by players to get their team’s captains back to their base. Both teams fought hard and pushed the field but neither team managed to rescue their captains within the game time.

Final score of the day, and yes in true HOLLYWOOD style, the Super Heroes saved the day – Super Heroes 2 Super Villains 1

After the final battle, everyone met within the office area for the prizes give away where prizes, worth hundreds of pounds, were raffled off.  All in aid of the charity PAINTBALL FOR KIDS

Prizes were donated by WARPED PAINTBALL giving away top of the range playing gear.

PROZONE paintball donated free entry to the Scotland and England game

TAZBALL gave away free entry to their two massive games

As I were driving home from the event, I was going over the entire day in my mind and couldn’t believe how much fun everyone had. The event ran smoothly, the referees did an amazing job of getting in the action and ensuring everyone stayed safe and followed the rules, and the objectives were fun and realistic to achieve. If you haven’t been to PROZONE PAINTBALL, I would highly recommend checking this field out. Hope to see you at a field soon or at next year’s big game!

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